Online test that unlocks everyone’s natural design potential.


Customer Experience, Service Design, Innovation and Leadership – these are the most popular areas where competencies developed based on Design Mindset are most urgently sought after.

Design Mindset Detector™ is a professional online tool for measuring predispositions and developing currently key competencies. From the individual report, you will learn which of the predispositions that make up the Design Mindset you are using and which are dormant. Based on this, we will help you plan your development.

Design mindset Detector™

Design Mindset Detector is a professional psychometric test – its specialized name is Multidimensional Design Mindset Questionnaire – MDMQ. The reliability of the tool, measured by the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for all 9 measurement scales, ranges from 0,83 to 0,91. These results indicate a high reliability of the test.

The questionnaire was developed based on scientific research and as a result of preliminary research (with experts) and three subsequent studies aimed at its construction and validation. In total, the questionnaire was validated on a control group of over 600 people, consisting of both professionally active individuals not involved in design and expert individuals working in the Design Thinking approach.

The test allows you to check which of the predispositions that make up the Design Mindset are used and which are dormant, and to plan development. After completing the questionnaire, we send a detailed report with an individual description of the predispositions and development tips.

Fast and accurate measurement of specific individual predispositions essential in today’s business.

A professional psychometric tool developed by academic staff from Polish universities.

Participants complete the test online and receive the report within an hour at the specified email address.

For whom?

Design Mindset Detector™ is intended for all individuals and organizations that care about user experience and develop competencies needed in the implementation of Customer Experience projects.

Design Mindset is particularly important for individuals who need in their work to:

– understand user needs
– creatively leverage people’s potential
– work with complex challenges
– discover new ideas and quickly test them
– transform problems into solutions


Are you thinking about your professional development and looking for opportunities to work on interesting challenges? Maybe you work for a company that cares about Customer Experience and want to expand your qualifications. Or perhaps you are planning a job change and looking for inspiration for development?

With the Design Mindset Detector™:

  • check which of your design predispositions are already awakened and which you will develop the fastest
  • see which role in the design process is most natural for you (research, creative, or leadership)
  • learn how to recognize the Design Mindset in yourself and others

Price 70 EUR / 75 USD

Project team

Are you leading a team working in the area of Customer Experience and want to inspire your team members for individual development? Maybe you want to select project participants to ensure diverse individual predispositions? Or perhaps you are planning recruitment and want to check the predispositions of individuals who will strengthen a specific team?

With the Design Mindset Detector™:

  • members of your team will learn about their current predispositions for implementing projects using the Design Thinking approach and plan their development
  • each person will find out in which roles they most strongly support the entire team (research, creative, and leadership)
  • you will learn which predispositions the team needs and which can be developed within the group, and which are worth acquiring by recruiting new members

Price determined individually


Do you represent a company or organization for which a customer-centric approach and Custome Experience are part of the strategy? Maybe you plan to add those elements to your strategy? Or perhaps your company/organization is facing intense growth and has innovative projects planned?

With the Design Mindset Detector™:

  • gain a comprehensive view of the company/organization and its current readiness to implement innovative initiatives
  • identify individuals with the highest initial potential who are already using predispositions that support design
  • plan new employee recruitment and create programs that develop a customer-centric approach across the entire organization

Price determined individually

How to order the test?

To order the Design Mindset Detector™ test, write to us at hello@design-mindset-detector.com or click “ORDER TEST” and fill out the form.


Marta Michałków
Service Designer, Santander Bank Polska

In my professional world, the Design Mindset is of great importance. We all feel it, but do we know how to define it precisely? How to define the predispositions behind it? What are our strengths and what should we work on?

Design Mindset Detector™ came to my aid, which I got to know during the Design Mentorship program. It is a tool that supports wise and conscious development.

Design Mindset Detector™ defines 9 predispositions relevant in the work of designers and determines our comfort in using them. What I appreciate about Design Mindset Detector™ is that it not only focuses on competency gaps but also suggests how to support those predispositions in which we are already masters. This allows us to focus on the areas where we want to excel.


Anna Witowska
CX Specialist, GreenWay

Entering the world of design as an engineer guided mainly by hard skills, I often wondered about the difficulties I faced at certain stages of design, as well as the ease with which other stages came to me. The Design Mindset Detector™ test allowed me to determine my design mindset in four important areas for a designer and pointed out both my strong predispositions and those worth working on. Importantly, Design Mindset Detector™ shows that you should not only focus on underdeveloped competencies but also work on the strongest ones and create multidisciplinary teams of experts with highly developed predispositions in each area.

I know that in the position of Customer Experience Specialist, the knowledge gained will be extremely helpful and will allow us to design even better experiences for our customers :).


Urszula Tomaszek
Strategy | Service Designer | Project Manager | Scrum | Change Management | Leadership Coach | Mentor

I had the opportunity to take the Design Mindset Detector™ test as part of the mentoring program in Design Mentorship. Building awareness of predispositions and naming the useful and practical areas that this test examines provides knowledge on how to better understand oneself, but also knowledge for the team or employer. I recommend the Design Mindset Detector™ because I believe it is the best-adapted test for the rapidly changing circumstances we currently operate in, both professionally and privately.


Magdalena Szklarczyk-Kominko
Graphic / UI / UX Designer

I decided to take the Design Mindset Detector™ because, for me as a designer, an important element of professional development is the awareness of my predispositions in the field of design activities.

Design Mindset Detector™ – as per my expectations, allowed me to gain knowledge about my individual predispositions in four important areas that build a designer’s attitude. Thanks to the results obtained, I could get a holistic view of my attitude and take deliberate developmental actions to improve my competencies in the areas that require it.


Bartosz Narzelski
Head of Product, venture builder DOV

I highly recommend a more careful process of selecting project team members. Why? Because I believe that today, to create innovative products and services, a Team is needed. Unfortunately, I increasingly see that the main motivation for building a team is a list of technical skills (e.g., UX prototyping, logo design, conducting interviews). But this is a mistake I would like to warn against.

A team is primarily a process of continuous iteration and overcoming obstacles, and for this, a mindset is more useful than a list of skills. That is why I recommend DMD to everyone who is building a project team – it allows you to look at what is harder to capture but much more important for the Team.


Katarzyna Czapla
Senior Expert – Innovation Lead, Innovation Center, ING

At ING, I am responsible, among other things, for the development of service design competencies, and the Design Mindset Detector™ test is an element of the designed development path for employees who design services and customer experiences.

The test results – at the group level – help me make decisions by diagnosing in which areas the greatest development needs are. The report is also invaluable support for the mentor’s work with the mentee. It helps understand the designer’s role and the value they bring to teams, as well as set individual goals and development areas. I particularly appreciate that the individual tips break away from the classic thinking about development. Instead of “catching up” on skill gaps, it encourages building on strengths.