Design Mindset Detector™ is a modern psychometric tool that focuses on discovering and developing unique predispositions for design thinking. It emerged in response to the growing market demand for design-related skills, both in professional and personal contexts. As...
UI/UX Designer – Who and How?
The profession of a designer in the digital technology world is not a uniform concept. There are different specializations, and two of the most important are UI (User Interface) Designer and UX (User Experience) Designer. These two roles are often confused, but they...
Designer job predispositions
Have you ever wondered what makes certain people succeed in their work as designers? Is it a matter of natural talent, acquired knowledge, or perhaps specific professional predispositions? The work of a designer, regardless of specialization - whether UX, graphics, or...
Mentoring – What and How?
Mentoring is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools in the world of business, academia, and personal development, but what exactly does this term mean? In the simplest terms, mentoring is a process where an experienced person (mentor) shares their professional...
How can the Design Mindset Detector™ help with development?
In today's world, where innovation and creativity are key elements of success, developing a Design Mindset is a priority for many. The Design Mindset Detector™ tool can help with this. Below, we present the story of Karolina Małeczek, who shared her personal...
Career Change and Transition – Where to Start?
Professional life is full of challenges and doesn't always go according to plan. Sometimes, after years of working in one industry, we come to the conclusion that we need a change. This can be caused by various factors: lack of satisfaction, the desire to pursue a...
Profesjonalne, rzetelne narzędzie diagnozujące indywidualny Design Mindset. Stworzone przez specjalistów dla osób, które chcą się rozwijać w pracy z wykorzystaniem podejścia Design Thinking i Service Design.