Design Mindset Detector™ for Companies and Organizations

Home page 9 Organizations

Using the Design Mindset Detector™ can include all employees of a given company or organization and reveal its overall potential for implementing Customer Experience projects and innovative initiatives using a Design Thinking approach. The study helps identify individuals with the highest potential.


  • provide a comprehensive overview of the organization as a place where Customer Experience and Innovation are part of its DNA
  • identify individuals with the highest potential who have developed predispositions within the Design Mindset and assist in planning the recruitment of new employees
  • enable the creation of tailor-made educational programs across the entire organization
To order the Design Mindset Detector™ study, write to us at: hello@design-mindset-detector.com or click “ORDER TEST” and fill out the form.

The Design Mindset Detector™ consists of several elements. See what your company or organization gains:

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Access to Multidimensional Design Mindset Questionnaire (MDMQ) Tests

Each person enrolled in the study will receive an individual link to the test. The test consists of 98 questions and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. All data is fully encrypted and stored securely.
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Individual Report with Results and Developmental Guidance

The results of each person participating in the study will be sent to the email addresses provided in the order, as well as to the person who ordered the study. The reports include a description of each person’s profile, expanded descriptions of the assessed predispositions, and self-development guidelines. For many people, the report is sufficient to independently plan their professional development.
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Organization Report (optional)

It presents the results of all individuals within the organization, allows viewing the results of selected parts of the organization, groups, and teams; enables the assessment of the organization’s overall potential in utilizing design methods; helps identify individuals with higher-than-average potential for working with the Design Thinking approach, known as “change agents”; and allows determining development directions for these individuals in terms of selected predispositions.
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Discussion of Reports (optional)

The discussion of the organization’s results is a specially planned session in which the overall results, as well as the results of selected teams/departments and individuals, are discussed. It is possible to collaboratively develop development programs at the team/department level, for individuals with the highest potential, and for the entire organization.